phil sawdon
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Silhouette(s) and Shade(s) is a drawing fiction published online in
Tracey DRN. It is also available to read and download from the Loughborough University Research Repository.
Drawing (No)thing(s)is a drawing fiction published online in Tracey DRN.
It is also available to read and download from the Loughborough University Research Repository.
'Drawings' Bodyies: An Autopsy' is a drawing fiction published online in issue #135 (Postcards) of Danse Macabre.
It is also available to read and download from the Loughborough University Research Repository.
'Drawing Interstices' is a drawing fiction published in the Creative Writing section of the online journal Drain. The issue is titled SOCIAL/AFFECTS.
'Drawing Interstices' is also available to read and download from the Loughborough University Research Repository.
'Chalk Marks' is available to listen to online at Soanyway Volume 2 Issue #8
ISSN 2043-6408